Tuesday, 20 December 2022

What are the Benefits of Asset Integrity Management?

 The primary benefits of employing an approach to managing asset integrity are:

·         Reduced risks

·         Increased safety

·         Increase reliability


Improved Environmental Performances


We have a long history of providing asset integrity management at TUV Austria Bureau of Inspection & Certification Norway. With our vast array of specialist areas and the use of science, we guarantee that your assets are in good hands.


Our combined experience provides optimal operational stability, safety, and cost-effective solutions. 


Our services within Asset Integrity Management

We specialize within:


·         Risk-based inspection/assessment (RBI)

·         Corrosion management

·         Subsea inspection management

·         Pipeline integrity management

·         Well Integrity management

·         Structural integrity

·         Advanced inspection (onshore/offshore and subsea)

·         FORCENSETM monitoring (vibration/structure/corrosion)


Risk-Based Inspection Planning


We use Risk Based Inspection (RBI) planning, a method for planning and inspection based on an assessment/analysis of the probability and a consequence of a component failure.


This systematic approach determines the optimum inspection and monitoring schemes, and detailed inspection and monitoring plans are furnished. 


Inspection planning encompasses various activities performed to optimize the use of inspection resources (cost-effective) while at the same time is ensuring the technical integrity of the asset.


By strategically targeting areas based on an RBI, you acquire a cost-effective inspection program that provides a safe and reliable operation.

Asset Corrosion Management

A significant portion of the unplanned events in processing plants is due to erosion and corrosion. Corrosion management is, therefore, critical to maintain the integrity of the facility, increasing the level of safety and improving cost-efficiency.

Corrosion management is a dynamism method that allows us to manage and assess an asset's technical stability that is impacted by material degradation like erosion, corrosion cracks, fatigue, and fatigue.


It is a part of the overall management system described in a Corrosion Management Strategy. A corrosion management strategy aims to define roles and responsibilities, ensure ownership, focus on high-risk procedures, and identify barriers and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).


Four steps of a continuous cycle:

  1. Planning: A detailed plan is established based on results from a risk assessment and includes inspection, monitoring, and mitigation programs.
  2. Execution: Implementation of defined and planned activities and programs and identifying KPIs to measure critical parameters and ensure corrosion control.
  3. Reporting/measure: Measure and evaluate KPIs and data from inspection, monitoring, and mitigation activities, and prepare status reports and improvements. We gather, analyse and display data using an information system for corrosion management.
  4. Improve: Review the effectiveness of the corrosion management programs, improve the corrosion management activities and take necessary actions.  

Subsea and Pipeline Inspection Management


Pipelines represent an essential part of the energy infrastructure. The proper operation of pipelines is essential to a business's capability to sell its assets.


We offer several solutions for these challenges (pipeline integrity management). This includes, among others, operational support, inspection planning, data analysis (e.g., pipeline degradation, remaining lifetime), corrosion modelling recommendations regarding corrosion and materials, and advanced inspection/monitoring for subsea (e.g., vibration, field gradient sensor).


Well Integrity Management


Corrosion control for good operations is performed with a focus on health, safety, and environmental requirements.


Costly workover and loss of production can be avoided by implementing corrosion control for wells and using models and experience to understand the mechanisms driving corrosion. We offer, among others (well Asset Integrity Management certification), corrosion monitoring, analysis, and assessment of pollution for wells (e.g., degradation of tubing, the remaining lifetime of wells/tubing due to corrosion), in along with addressing wellhead fatigue as well as workover and drilling fatigue.


Corrosion Management


Our experience in the field of materials technology enhances our ability to spot crucial technical aspects that affect the security of the installation during the process. This concerns various structures and systems, such as jackets, subsea structures and FPSOs.


Semi-subs include pipelines, risers, TLPs as well as subsea coolers. Topside processing systems, wells and facilities onshore. FPSOs, semi-subs, TLPs, risers, pipelines, subsea coolers, topside process systems, wells, and onshore facilities.


Alongside other services related to materials in asset integrity management, we are able to assist with the selection of materials and verification corrosion rate simulations, calculators, protection of surfaces as well as CP administration.


·         Material selection/ verification

·         Cathodic protection (CP)

·         Coating and surface protection

·         Welding consultancy/ Certification

·         Laboratory services (testing and analysis)

·         Failure assessment

·         Structural integrity management


We offer comprehensive consultancy services for concept development, design, verification, in-service, and marine structures decommission. This includes in-depth analyses of strategy as well as analyses of the systems under every situation.


We offer cost-effective help from the beginning of the design to the final installation and the subsequent maintenance and reanalysis, helping to manage asset integrity. The deliveries span the following areas;


·         Design and development of new structures

·         Third-party verification

·         Reassessment

·         Advanced engineering

·         Analysis

·         Simulation

·         Design

·         Reanalysis

·         Modification

·         Global and local analysis

·         Verification


We have experts within all standard Industrial methods and hold various equipment available for these reviews that support the asset integrity management process.


TUV Austria Bureau of Inspection & Certification performs Industrial on many systems and components onshore and offshore. In addition, we have extensive knowledge of the application and development of Industrial methods for existing or new objects.


·         Industrial certification of inspectors and equipment

·         Procedures, verification, and fabrication services

·         Training (Inspection and methods)

·         Destructive Testing

·         Monitoring services


TUV Austria Bureau of Inspection & Certification supplies in-house developed products and technology for the measurement of strain, tension, motion, and angular deflections, as well as vibrations and interfaces to other relevant sensors and systems.


The systems have been provided to the world's largest operators. We provide monitoring services as part of asset integrity management for structures, wellheads, drilling/workover risers, steel catenaries and flexible risers.

  • ROV deployable system
  • Dry installed systems
  • Online fatigue analysis and complimentary engineering services
  • Maintenance management

TUV Austria Bureau of Inspection & Certification provides customized solutions that utilize the most up-to-date of the art methods and special tools to provide the most cost-effective maintaining. We provide various solutions in the field of maintenance management:

  • Development of maintenance, inspection, and monitoring philosophies and strategies 
  • Criticality analysis using Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
  • Definition of preventive maintenance programs using a Reliability Cantered Maintenance (RCM) Assessment
  • Maintenance/inspection data analysis and reassessment of maintenance plans.
  • Specification and control of KPIs to ensure adequate maintenance management with a continuous improvement process
  • Provide/develop data management tools and condition reporting systems to manage inspection, maintenance, and condition monitoring information

Please feel free to contact us if you have any inquiries or if you wish to know more about asset integrity management.

Call US Today: +92 302 8228879

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